Hi there people. Don't worry I'm not dead nor did I leave DA ... it's just that recent events made me unable to draw ... in fact ... now that I've all results I can finally tell... I'm pregnant !! My husband and I are so happy. But unfortunately ... morning sickness and very low immunity have made me very weak ... even going to work is pretty difficult some days and I've to rest a lot to keep up the pace ... I sleep a lot too and that mostly why I haven't updated anything recently. I'm slowly getting better as I'm reaching 3rd month of pregnancy but it really isn't easy to deal with everything atm. I deeply apologize for not updating my doujin and also other projects I've been working on but I do hope you understand that I need to put my health first. I'll do what I can as soon as I'm feeling better. ^^ 

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Celious's avatar
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Streetplayaa-cruz's avatar
I'm late, but congratulations on the baby. I am positive the outcome will make you feel overjoyed. :)